This is the story of three genius friends Sarath Ravi Kumar, Durai Raju, and Varun Kumar who gave the taste of Digital marketing to South India. Their four-year-old bootstrapped venture ‘Webboombaa’ generated revenue of USD5k per employee in 2019 and has been acquired by Kaay Innovation (Venture Building firm, based out of Chennai) in March 2020.
Webboombaa is a web-based platform for Digital Marketing that provides a wide array of apps/web-based services like 360 Degree Digital Marketing, Programmatic Ads, Lead Generation, Branding, Social Media Marketing, Web development, app development, bulk messaging, and Google Ads. It also acts as a digital advertising arm of Kaay Innovation startups which include Adform, TFW, JingleBid, StageOne, Goodpixels, Peopler, and many.
In their own words,
“From the Journey of building a digital marketing start-up from scratch and scaling it to programmatic buying agency was quite remarkable”.
The three musketeers of this digital legacy were previously heading the digital marketing department of an IIM start-up based out of Chennai. They were the ‘Google Certified’, digital marketing experts who were caught by the bug of entrepreneurship right from the days of pursuing an MBA. Hence there was no stopping. They are the firm believer of the fact that “You need not be great to start, you need to start to be great”.
The startup was incorporated in Dec 2016 with a lean team of 15 and the self-explanatory name ‘Webboombaa’ (Booming client’s business and making them delightful). Their goal was clear “ensuring digital ROI “to the client.
They knew the key to the huge ocean of Digital Marketing is updating with the technologies. They, therefore, bound the expert team who research daily algorithm changes, social media updates. What made them different from other digital marketing companies was the larger view of ‘Social Responsibility (online reputation of the client) in social media and website maintenance. They made sure that their clients’ posts don’t provoke any dissatisfaction with society, showcasing emotions in the right manner and also securing their social media accounts from third-party attacks like hacking.
Webboombaa works on B2B business model.
They are rewarded for their efficient use of automated technology “Programmatic buying “for media buying (the process of buying advertising space), as opposed to traditional (often manual) methods of digital advertising. This method of Programmatic media buying utilizes data insights and algorithms to serve ads to the right user at the right time, and at the right price. Thus approaching Revenue on Investment in Digital Marketing to the highest level.
They learned it by the tough road that they had to take all sorts of Ads with all possible platforms, making it a wholesome digital service to contribute growth for sector-specific clients. Now whether it is a large enterprise or startup, sectors like Ad-Tech, E-commerce, automotive, real estate who wants to reach their customer through online platforms became their Target Client.
In Aug 2019, they won Best Digital Marketing Award in TN by Zee Business, from the hands of Shri Ramdas Athwale (Hon’ble Minister of Social State Justice and Empowerment) & from Shri Amar Shankar Sable (Hon’ble MP Rajya Sabha) and Actor Shakti Kapoor in Mumbai. Succeeding they got recognized by Startup India in Dec 2019.
In March 2020, Webboombaa became the first bootstrapped digital agency in South India to be acquired by Venture Building firm, Kaay Innovations.
Today, They have a wide range of reputable clients like SBI, TataValue homes, Mercedes Benz, L&T realty, etc. in various sectors be it health care real estate, jewelry, and the manufacturer or personal branding.
World Pandemic COVID19 may have slowed them down but could not stop them. They launched a new website “Brand Influencer” in July 2020. Webboombaa now works with micro, macro & mega influencers creating brand loyalty. As “People Trust Recommendations from Influencers over Brands”
“Digital Marketing ad spend is predicted to surge in the upcoming years, even in the year 2018-19 Programmatic spent crossed more than 46 billion dollars. In the modern era, the OTTs such as Netflix, Hotstar, Prime are dominating the sector and the audiences more and more companies are diverting their marketing budget towards digital marketing. E-Marketer estimates US advertisers will spend nearly $60 billion on programmatic display by the end of 2019. By 2021, nearly 88%, or $81.00 billion, of all U.S. digital display ad dollars, will transact programmatically, says the research firm”. And as they say,
“You are one ping away from seeing yourself being established profoundly in the digital world”.
Social Media Handles of Webboombaa