This is the startup story of CanceRX setup in Gurgaon by its founder and CEO named Miss Manisha Soin. The startup group intends to connect various cancer patients, especially the ones belonging to the poor category to qualified oncologists working in different parts of India. The startup thus gives a second opinion on the cancer treatment of patients.
CanceRX platform thus helps cancer patients to re-validate their treatment plans and simultaneously, give a second opinion. For this, the organization has a panel of experienced radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, surgeons, an online tumor board, and other health experts to provide easy access to cancer patients and family members.
Most patients, family members, and caregivers often perceive that the death of an individual is sure if he or she is diagnosed with cancer. However, with the advancement of science and technology, treatment procedures and care has evolved, which makes most cancers curable provided they are detected at the initial stage.
However, a good diagnosis requires proper guidance or advice combined with the right consultation done by a team of qualified doctors and an appropriate diagnosis is essential to come up with the right treatment plan for cancer disease. As innovative technologies to deal with cancer are consistently growing, second opinion or consultation from a special oncologist or cancer doctor becomes highly critical.
CanceRX offers you the best cancer advice, cancer care, or treatment and the best in class cancer-related consultations.
How Miss Manisha Soin Setup CanceRX
Miss Manishaa Soin has always aimed to be one of the strong business development experts. She completed her education at St. Stephen’s College with a Bachelor of Science focusing on Chemistry. She is an experienced Chief Executive Officer and she has a strong history related to working in the wellness, health, and fitness industry. She possesses outstanding skills in healthcare consultation, epidemiology, disease management, and Medicaid.
Based on the experience of Miss Manishaa Soin in the healthcare industry of India, she found that the condition of patients in India, especially, the ones suffering from cancer is pathetic. She found that there is only 1 bed for 1,000 patients and only 1,500 oncologists for about 3millions of cancer patients.
Miss Manishaa even found that comprehensive cancer care is available only in top cities of India, while other patients are belonging to second or third-tier cities only. Indeed, most cancer patients fail to get access to cancer specialists, opportunities for proper cancer consultation, the right level of diagnosis, and subsequently an appropriate cancer treatment or cure plan.
Miss Manishaa Soin also analyzed that approximately 70percent of Indian people belong to the poor category, which makes the underlying problem complicated. Cancer care and treatment options are highly expensive and in some cases may go out of pocket. Patients and their family members fail to afford the overall cost of the treatment and look for suboptimal treatment lines while coming up with poor outcomes. By establishing CanceRX, Miss Manishaa thus tried to overcome the pain point related to the lack of affordability and access to cancer treatment.
According to Miss Manishaa Soin, “Our CanceRX platform is an attempt to provide easily accessible cancer care to large numbers of poor cancer patients living in rural and semi-urban areas while providing them the most budget-friendly cancer treatment.”
Achievements of CanceRX
CanceRX was initially set up in the year 2019 as a second-opinion cancer care provider. However, by moving gradually, the platform introduced a wide range of cancer tests to conduct on discounts. The biggest achievement of CanceRX is that it covered about 15,000 cancer consults until now and helped many poor cancer patients to save more than 1crore in the cost related to their treatment. CanceRX was shortlisted among 100women for transforming India. It was honored with the National startup award for its massive contribution to poor people.
CanceRX is continuing with its planned initiatives to move ahead to help most cancer patients in the near future.